My good friend and occasional metal detecting buddy "Mitch" (he is a Navy diving expert who works for some shadowy government agency, hence the pseudonym) has reappeared again, as he is wont to do, as some secret project is over and he gets a week of "down-time" to do some metal detecting and peaceful hobby-like things before once again going back into the breech for a new project or destination. And Hurricane Irma may have left a few deep-sea goodies on the beach or possibly golden sands, as it were.
Well, after several month's of one thing or another...hospitals, hurricanes and so on, Mitch and I met at the beach for a bit of sand hunting. I was considering hitting the sand-casting with silver workshop with another friend at 10:00 am this morn, but we figured with him actually OFF the beach, we may have had a chance. We got there at 7:00 am, cool breeze and a bit too early for the majority of beach parking-lot nut jobs looking for trouble. My mid-sized coil in place, on the E-Trac with fresh batteries,Mitch with his CTX was ready to go. Getting ready to close the trunk and a large bee buzzes in. I shoo the bee out, and he made a bee-line (right???) and STUNG me right thru my bright orange shirt!!!! Man, that smarted quite a bit, but I hunted anyway, but I was plagued with wasps, bees and yellow-jackets searching me out every time I neared the boardwalk!!! Mitch was like, "I found a nice earring!" and I'm like (running wildly waving my hat in the air around me) "Gaaaaaa!" followed by a small swarm of insects. Went back to the car to get the little yaller' Ace 250 with the 4" sniper coil and fine mesh scoop for some fine gold chain hunting near the boardwalk entrance . Got chased away by 2 honey bees, a wasp, a bumblebee Heavy and another yellow-jacket!?!?! I took a circuitous route from the beach back to the parking lot at a fast walk, popped the trunk remotely, practically threw the ACE and the scoop and pouch in, slammed it and bolted for the car door and got STUNG again, almost in the same place, before I could make it into the drivers seat! I had to leave poor Mitch on the beach because I couldn't risk getting out of the car and getting stung again! One of my other younger, back-to-nature friends, who is also a gardener, plant expert, recyle expert, turning coins-into-rings expert, and best of all a beekeeper, let me in on the secret. Apparently when an angry bee, wasp, yellow-jacket or like minded little bastard, stings you, it leaves behind a pheromone, leaving you literally a marked man (or woman) by imparting an odorous calling card indicating you are an invader to all the other little sharp-ended little suckers, who promptly attack when in range. I need and you need to Bee more careful around these little critters while metal detecting! I am really a sore loser in this regard, but healing pretty quickly. Dang!!!
Howdy Jim: A lesson to learned, that's for sure. I always carry a fountain-pen type anti-sting gizmo that puts a pain-killing dab of ammonia onto the sting. Luckily, not had to use it yet.
Thanks John. I DID actually ask my pharmacist (Chemist) if there was something I could use in the field to alleviate the pain some way...alcohol pads, Benzedrine ointment...anything at all. She shook her head and said nothing like that was on the market to help that and although I am not allergic to stings, it sure does STING a lot. I'll have to look closer into the fountain-pen gizmo market here in the States and see if I can find something like that to put in my Go-Bag!
I'll have a dig around in the local Chemists and see what I can turn up for you. I'm sure that you must have one of these gizmos Stateside. In addition I pack a few plasters, wipes, and tweezers.
Howdy Jim:
ReplyDeleteA lesson to learned, that's for sure. I always carry a fountain-pen type anti-sting gizmo that puts a pain-killing dab of ammonia onto the sting. Luckily, not had to use it yet.
Bee careful!
Thanks John. I DID actually ask my pharmacist (Chemist) if there was something I could use in the field to alleviate the pain some way...alcohol pads, Benzedrine ointment...anything at all. She shook her head and said nothing like that was on the market to help that and although I am not allergic to stings, it sure does STING a lot. I'll have to look closer into the fountain-pen gizmo market here in the States and see if I can find something like that to put in my Go-Bag!
ReplyDeleteI'll have a dig around in the local Chemists and see what I can turn up for you. I'm sure that you must have one of these gizmos Stateside.
ReplyDeleteIn addition I pack a few plasters, wipes, and tweezers.